Proposal events

Popping the question has always been a special and important element of getting married, and it is becoming quite popular for the proposal to be an event in its own right!

A great example was when Dan proposed to Ellesse as a production put on by Matt & Jo at Fox FM ( What a fantastic surprise for Ellesse, who had only just started working in the city and thought her boss was taking her to a client briefing! This proposal included numerous celebrities and even a Channel 7 news flash.

Dan & Ellese

The ideas for proposing are endless….

Imagine taking a walk through your local shopping area, continuously bumping into friends and family along the way, then discovering them all gathered together when you arrive at a set meeting point, where the big question is asked.

Or perhaps your partner puts a movie on to watch together, but instead of the movie, you are watching your family and friends put on a performance, leading into your own proposal.

Maybe you are walking along Southbank, stopping to watch the many talented buskers, only to be dragged by one of the performers into the centre where your partner has incorporated your proposal into one of their shows, and all of a sudden your family and friends appear in the crowd.

The ideas for creating a proposal event are endless!